Thursday, March 31, 2011

Episode II

Here's some stuff the world might or might not be interested in. Two new programs have been successfully downloaded and utilized on my laptop and I've got to recommend them both, because its pretty cool stuff. Here's the first, MacOSaiX, which allows you to import a photo and then plug in a keyword and it creates a picture mosaic. Check it out, cause its free and it installs in a matter of seconds. The photo keyword I plugged in was cigarettes and New York City, and I think it turned out pretty awesome.

The second program is Photoshop for mac, and I got the free 30-day trial version. This program takes some getting used to, but to ease into it, the assignment was to import yourself into your place of origin. Just a warning, I think that if you're reading this blog you'll be seeing a lot of pictures of me. Sorry.

Anyways, here's a picture of me in my place of origin, the Orkney Islands in Scotland. Don't judge just yet, I know the color is off, this is my first attempt at Photoshop. :-/

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Post to Begin all Posts

Bear with me here, this is the first post on the first blog I've ever made. This whole blogging phenomena passed right by me, and while ignorance is bliss, its time to get friendly with the blogging community, if only for the sake of Digital Media. This is the beginning of what I hope will become an outlet, as I throw myself into the narcissistic world of Blog. It seems fitting that my first post would be about myself.

My name is Samuel Shumway and i'm a scenic designer at North Carolina School of the Arts, although i'm originally from Baltimore, Md, which I'll always consider home. This is my first year at UNCSA, and its been an experience like no other. I live with Adam Weiner on Hall C1, and im proud to say we have the best lighting on the hall, if not in the entire building. Here it is.

That's my side at least, ignore the mess. Underneath my bed is my "trip-cave" which consists of memory foam, pillows, blankets, and a black light, which i consider my only source of privacy at school, but there's not even much of that in there. Anyone who comes to visit (i.e. my brother, or Josh) sleeps in there. My house in Baltimore is my childhood home, with a huge barn in the back yard, even though we are very close to the heart of the city. In the Summer months we grow a produce-section worth of vegetables and spices, and next week, our yearly chickens arrive as chicks, so we get fresh eggs all Summer once they mature enough to lay in July. I got to name one, so one of the Americanas birds is name Isabella. My parents have been working on modifying the hen house all year, an now it looks more like a palace for lap dogs, with a dog door connecting the inside and outside chicken areas. But we don't get any money or anything for the eggs or birds, and my parents are by no means farmers by trade. Both of them are musicians who met at Peabody music institute in downtown Baltimore, my dad, a cellist, and my mom, a violist, which is how they earn money, through teaching and freelancing.

Art and travel are passions of mine and have been for as long as i can remember. My mom is from Sheffield, England, and my grandparents still live there, so through my childhood, I spent a lot of time in transit between Baltimore and Manchester, just north of Sheffield. This Summer, i'll be going back to explore more of Europe on my own, although i'll begin in the UK. There's a lot to do, the but top of the list is the Berlin Museum of Art. We'll see if I can manage it.

I'll be back.